Friday, June 15, 2007

The Beginning...

Because of things in my life, I have decided to go back to an unrelated MS blog. I'm only giving out the address to those I trust, and I expect no one to give out this address to another, even if you think I am friends with them. I am having some trouble with people taking my blogs back to my ex, so I will try to remain as anonymous as possible.

This divorce has been ugly. I wish that my ex wouldn't use tactics against me. I'm not trying to be in a war, but he's definately ready for one and seems to want to enact it. Some of the things he asks for, however, I am not ready to agree to. I do not think it is necessary to block ONE person from either seeing my son nor ever seeing my ex (which is funny - what is that One person going to do - move to a new town?) ever. And he means forever. It's not a logical and rational request. If I marry that ONE person, what then? Basically, he is trying to ruin the relationship I have, in any way he can. If he can't ruin my happiness with him, he will try to use my son and custody against me. It's simple and a ruse and I am tired of it all.

So, for my inaugural post, I just want to welcome you and make you understand why this has to be private. I almost went as far as doing the login process for all of you, but I felt that it would take too much time. If it comes to that, so be it. Thank you all for being my loyal and true friends.


Heather said...

I am sorry that he is trying to use your child as a pawn. Divorce can get so nasty. (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

It is so sad that he is using your Son as a pawn in the Divorce. He is being so nasty and mean.
I pray for you everyday my Friend and always know we are all here for you.

Love You

Kyra said...

I am so sorry. That is the worst thing he could be doing. Poor Mac.