Sunday, June 17, 2007


I've been having a nice, relatively calm weekend. It feels good to not have the ENTIRE weight of the free world on your shoulders!

I heard a rumor today about myself that was ridiculously inaccurate and impossible, but the mill never stops churning them out. Apparently, when I go to my son's soccer games with my ex, the ex and I are, um, doing the deed every Thursday. That's pretty funny, considering a) I have my son with me at all times, b) the mere thought of my ex touching me makes me want to throw up and c) my personality is such that if anyone knew me, they'd explode into laughter after all that has been going on, knowing how awful he and I get along in the first place.

So, no. Patently untrue.

As if you'd believe it anyway!

In other news, I'm starting to tire of my historical novels this weekend. The first one I read was excellent, it seemed to portray the period well and accurately. The last 2 I have tried to read (meaning, I stop after a couple of chapters) have been either historically inaccurate or written very poorly. I understand their concept - bring the past into the present where one can understand it in 21st century life's terms, but it's just not what happened.

So, I'm down to 2 books left. Maybe I'll actually read a couple of the books I own and not get new ones from the library! That would be different!

I've been writing again lately. I get tired when I write, it's difficult and emotional and I am exhausted when I am through. I put so many layers in my poems, so many meanings. It takes a lot. It's part of me that I'm letting go. I'd literally have to explain to a person each line and what hidden meanings are in each one. I wonder if that makes me a good poet or just one who complicates things. I'll try to remember to add some to my poetry blog, but currently I can't remember the password for it. LOL That's right, I'm locked out of my own blog. Sigh. That's what happens when you stop using it.

Happy Father's Day to my dad. He seems in good spirits today, so I think he had an okay day. Not spectacular, but my dad was never one for big celebrations. He likes things quiet.

I start my new job tomorrow. This will be a momumental challenge for me in many ways. I can't explain it, but I have obstacles to overcome to make this work and work well. It means putting my nose to the grindstone. I've done it before, I can do it again.

Onward with the week!

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